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Hu testiguyi, O Yu’os-hu, na Hagu fuma’tinas yo’ para bai hu tungo’ Hao yan bai hu adora Hao. Hu diklara, guini na momento, i tainina’siña-hu yan i minetgot-Mu, i misirapble- ku yan i miguinaha-Mu.

Taya’ mas Yu’os ki Hagu, i Ayudu gi Piligru, i Lala’la’-Maisa.

(Bahá’u’lláh ha na’huyong tres na tinaitai opbligasion, ni para u ma ayek unu ni i manhongge para u sasangan un biahi kada 24 oras, sigun gi espisifiku na direksion para kada unu na tinaitai. I tinago’ para i tinaitai ni gaige guini gi sanhilo’; este i etmas kadada gi tres, ayu na debidi u mataitai kada dia maskeseha ki ora entre i talo’ani yan i minachom atdao.)

I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast cre- ated me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.

There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.

- Bahá'u'lláh






Gi kada biahi na manhalom hamyo gi i sagayan konsilio, sangan este na tinaitai yan i korason ni bumobongbong yan guinaiya para si Yu’os yan i palabras ni’ mana’gasgas ginen todu fuera ki i mimorias-Ña kosa ki i Todo Gainina’siña en inayuda para en fanganna i mas takkilo na biktoria:

OYu’os, Yu’os-hu! Hami setbente-Mu ni bu- mira ham guatu kon dibotu gi Sinantusan na Mata-Mu ya in chappak ham ginen todu fuera ki giya Hagu guini na glorioson Ha’ani. Mandadaña’ ham guini gi Dinaña’ Espirituat, gi manunu gi inatan yan hinasso, yan i entension-mami para in famparehu mo’na gi trinangkilu para in tina i Palabras-Mu gi entre todu i taotao. O Saina, Yu’os-mami! Na’fansiñat ham gi sinantusan na direksion-Mu, banderan i matuna na Hinengge- Mu gi entre todu i taotao, setbenten i tagahlo’ na Areklamento-Mu, O Hagu Sainan-mami ni Tagahlo’, siñat i Yini’usan na Dinaña’-Mu gi Rai- non Abhá, yan ma’lalak na estreyas ni umi’ina todu i lugat siha. Asaina! Ayuda ham mama’ i tasi yan metgot napon buninitu na grasia-Mu, mimilalak halom ginen i mangglorioson Tinakki- lo’-Mu, maolek na fruta ni gi trongkon i kaosan linangetan-Mu, tronko ni yumeyengyong ginen i guaifen i Geftao-Mu gi linangetan na hatdin- Mu. O Yu’os! Na’fanmanangokko i anten-mami gi betson i Yini’usan na Dinaña’-Mu, i korason- mami manmagof ginen i nina’yen i grasia-Mu, kosa ki in fandaña’ komu i napon unu na tasi ya in mana’daña’ komu i ininan i ma’lak na kandet- Mu na i hinasson-mami, i inatan-mami, yan i sinienten-mami u fandana’ komu un minagahet ni’ ha manifesfesta i espiriton dinaña’ gi todu i tano’. Hagu i Grasiosu, i Miguinaha, i Geftao, i Tagahlo’, i Ma’ase’, i Yo’ase’.

Whenever ye enter the council-chamber, recite this prayer with a heart throbbing with the love of God and a tongue purified from all but His remembrance, that the All-Powerful may graciously aid you to achieve supreme victory.

O God, my God! We are servants of Thine that have turned with devotion to Thy Holy Face, that have detached ourselves from all besides Thee in this glorious Day. We have gathered in this Spiritual Assembly, united in our views and thoughts, with our purposes harmonized to exalt Thy Word amidst mankind. O Lord, our God! Make us the signs of Thy Divine Guidance, the Standards of Thine exalted Faith amongst men, servants to Thy mighty Covenant, O Thou our Lord Most High, manifestations of Thy Divine Unity in Thine Abhá Kingdom, and resplendent stars shining upon all regions. Lord! Aid us to become seas surging with the billows of Thy wondrous Grace, streams flowing from Thine all-glorious Heights, goodly fruits upon the Tree of Thy heavenly Cause, trees waving through the breezes of Thy Bounty in Thy celes- tial Vineyard. O God! Make our souls dependent upon the Verses of Thy Divine Unity, our hearts cheered with the outpourings of Thy Grace, that we may unite even as the waves of one sea and become merged together as the rays of Thine effulgent Light; that our thoughts, our views, our feelings may become as one reality, manifesting the spirit of union throughout the world. Thou art the Gracious, the Bountiful, the Bestower, the Almighty, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

- Bahá'u'lláh





I Na’an-Mu i hinemlo’-hu, O Yu’os-hu, ya i hi- nasso-ku put Hagu i remediu-hu. I hinihot giya Hagu ninangga-ku, ya i guinaiya para Hagu i ga’chong-hu. I mina’ase’-Mu giya guahu i hinem- lo’-hu yan alibiu-hu parehu guini na tano’ yan manmamamaila’ na tano! Hagu, sen magahet, i Todu Miguinaha, i Todu-Gaitiningo’, i Todu- Tomtom.

Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

- Bahá'u'lláh





Gloria giya Hagu, O Yu’os-hu! Sen magahet, este i dos na setbente-Mu dumaña’ gi papa’ i anineng i mina’ase’-Mu ya ginen i fabot-Mu yan i geftao-Mu. O Asaina! Asiste siha guini gi tano’-Mu yan i raino-Mu ya destinayi siha todu i minaolek ginen i guinaha-Mu yan i grasia-Mu. O Asaina! Konfitma siha para setbente-Mu ya asiste siha gi setbisiu-Mu. Opbliga na siha u fanmama’siñat i Na’an-Mu gi tano’-Mu ya pro- tehi siha ginen i nina’i-Mu ni taihinekkok guini na tano’ yan i tano’ ni mamamaila’. O Asaina! Mananayuyot i dos gi Rainon i mina’ase’-Mu yan mamamaisen bendision ginen i rainon i Uniku- Mu. Sen magahet na umasagua sigun i inesgen i tinago’-Mu. Otdena siha na u fansiñat i ina- danche yan dinaña’ esta i uttemon i tiempo. Sen magahet na Hagu i Pudet, i Presente gi todu i lu- gat, yan i Tagahlo’!

Glory be unto Thee, O my God! Verily, this thy servant and this Thy maidservant have gathered under the shadow of Thy mercy and they are united through Thy favor and generosity.

O Lord! Assist them in this Thy world and Thy kingdom and destine for them every good through Thy bounty and grace. O Lord! Confirm them in Thy servitude and assist them in Thy service. Suffer them to become the signs of Thy Name in Thy world and protect them through Thy be- stowals which are inexhaustible in this world and the world to come. O Lord! They are supplicating the kingdom of Thy mercifulness and invoking the realm of Thy singleness. Verily, they are mar- ried in obedience to Thy command. Cause them to become the signs of harmony and unity until the end of time. Verily, Thou art the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent and the Almighty!

- `Abdu'l-Bahá





Todu i amigon Yu’os . . . debi di u fanmana’i gi todu i nina’siñan-ñiha maseha hafa taimanu dikike’-ña i inifresen-ñiha. Si Yu’os ti u faisen i prohimu ni’ mas ki i kapasidat-ña. Este na kontribusion debi di u fanmatto ginen todu i lugat yan todu i manmanhongge siha na taotao . . . O Amigon Yu’os siha! Fanasigurao na ginen este na kontribusion i che’cho’ gualo’ yan i kometsio u fanmabendisi gi todu minaolek nina’i yan abundansian ginefsaga. Maskeseha hayi matto ya manna’i unu ha’ na minaolek siempre u risibi dies mas na premiu. Taya’ dinida na i lala’la’ na Saina siempre u gof asigura todu ayu siha i gumasta i guina- han-ñiha mo’na gi chalan-Ña i Saina.

O Yu’os, Yu’os-hu! Na’i mina’lak i ha’anen- ñiha i gumofguaiya Hao ya Un supotte siha yan i tropan mananghet biniktoria. Na’fanfitme i addeng-ñiha kontra i tunas na chalan-Mu, ya ginen i hagas ginefsaga-Mu Un babayi siha i pet- tan i bendision-Mu; sa’ siha ma gastatayi todu i nina’siñan-ñiha gi chalan-Mu ginen ayu i nina’i- Mu nu siha, maprotetehi i hinnengge-Mu, ya ma pepega i inangokkon-ñiha gi hinasson-ñiha nu Hagu, ma ufrefresi hulo’ i korason-ñiha put i gui- naiyan-ñiha nu Hagu, ya ti manana’na’ i guina- han-ñiha sa’ i adorasion-ñiha gi Bunitu-Mu ya gi espihan-ñiha gi manera ni para Un nina’magof.

O Yu’os-hu! Otdena giya siha i mineggai gra- sia, fiet na apas yan siguru na premiu. Gi minagahet Hagu i Abiu, i Ayudante, i Geftao, i Miguinaha, i Todu-i-tiempo Mannana’i.

All the friends of God ... should contribute to the extent possible, how- ever modest their offering may be. God doth not burden a soul beyond its capacity. Such contributions must come from all centers and all be- lievers.... O Friends of God! Be ye assured that in place of these con- tributions, your agriculture, your industry, and your commerce will be blessed by manifold increases, with goodly gifts and bestowals. He who cometh with one goodly deed will receive a tenfold reward. There is no doubt that the living Lord will abundantly confirm those who expend their wealth in His path.

O God, my God! Illumine the brows of Thy true lovers and support them with angelic hosts of certain triumph. Set firm their feet on Thy straight path, and out of Thine ancient bounty open before them the portals of Thy blessings; for they are expending on Thy pathway what Thou hast bestowed upon them, safeguard- ing Thy Faith, putting their trust in their remem- brance of Thee, offering up their hearts for love of Thee, and withholding not what they possess in adoration for Thy Beauty and in their search for ways to please Thee.

O my Lord! Ordain for them a plenteous share, a destined recompense and sure reward.

Verily, Thou art the Sustainer, the Helper, the Generous, the Bountiful, the Ever-Bestowing.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá





O Yu’os-hu yan Saina-hu! Guahu setbente- Mu yan i lahen i setbente-Mu. Kahulo’ yo’ ginen i asson-hu guini gi machakchak nai i Es- treyas-Ha’anen i dumaña’-Mu, maninila’ ginen i Be’bo’-Ha’anen i pinto’-Mu, ya ha na’fanma’lak todu i tano’, sigun i ma’otden-ña ni gaige gi lep- blon i Otden-Mu.

I tinina giya Hagu, O Yu’os-hu, sa’ manmak- mata ham gi mina’lak i kandet i tiningo’-Mu. Na’tunokgue gi hilo’-mami, O Asaina, ayu ni u na’i ham na ti in nisisita maskeseha hayi fuera ki Hagu, ya u na’fañuha todu i inakalaye’ para maskeseha hafa fuera ki Hagu. Tuge’ papa’, lok- kue’ para guahu, yan para hayi na manhihot-hu, para i mamparientes-hu, lalahi yan famalao’an, i minaolek este na tano’ yan i mamamaila’ na tano’. Na’fansafo’ ham, ginen i taiminaktos na protek- sion-Mu, O Hagu na i Guinaiyan i nina’huyong enteramente yan i Dinisehan todu i langet yan i tano’, na ginen siha ni Un fa’tinas komu i Bos Tinailaiye, ni manñañangon gi ha’of i taotao. Brabu Hao para Un cho’gue i minagof-Mu. Hagu, sen magahet, i Tagahlo’, i Ayudante gi Piligru, i Lala’la’-Maisa.

Bendisi Hao, O Asaina Yu’os-hu, Guiya ni Hagu pumo’lo gi hilo’ i etmas yahululo’ na Tit- ula-Mu, yan ginen Guiya nai Un dibidi entre i manyini’usan yan i mambaba, ya na’grasiosu Hao umayuda ham para bai in che’gue manu i Un guaiya yan Un diseha. Bendisi lokkue’, O Yu’os- hu, ayu siha i Fino’-Mu yan i Letra-Mu, yan ayu siha i fumafana’ Hao, yan bumira guatu gi mata- Mu, yan ma ekungok i Inagang-Mu.

Hagu, magahet, i Saina yan Rai todu i taotao, ya mas metgot Hao kinu todu i guinaha.

O my God and my Master! I am Thy servant and the son of Thy servant. I have risen from my couch at this dawn-tide when the Day- Star of Thy oneness hath shone forth from the Day-Spring of Thy will, and hath shed its radi- ance upon the whole world, according to what had been ordained in the Books of Thy Decree.

Praise be unto Thee, O my God, that we have wakened to the splendors of the light of Thy knowledge. Send down, then, upon us, O my Lord, what will enable us to dispense with any one but Thee, and will rid us of all attachment to aught except Thyself. Write down, moreover, for me, and for such as are dear to me, and for my kindred, man and woman alike, the good of this world and the world to come. Keep us safe, then, through Thine unfailing protection, O Thou the Beloved of the entire creation and the Desire of the whole universe, from them whom Thou hast made to be the manifestations of the Evil Whis- perer, who whisper in men’s breasts. Potent art Thou to do Thy pleasure. Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.

Bless Thou, O Lord my God, Him Whom Thou hast set over Thy most excellent Titles, and through Whom Thou hast divided between the godly and the wicked, and graciously aid us to do what Thou lovest and desirest. Bless Thou, moreover, O my God, them Who are Thy Words and Thy Letters, and them who have set their faces towards Thee, and turned unto Thy face, and hearkened to Thy Call. Thou art, truly, the Lord and King of all men, and art potent over all things.

- Bahá'u'lláh





Makmata yo’ gi fanliheng-Mu, O Yu’os-hu, ya maolek para guiya ayu i umeliheng para u saga gi halom i Sanhalom i proteksion-Mu yan i minetgot na Lugat-Mu. Ina i sanhalom-hu, O Saina-hu, ni i mina’lak i Be’bo’-Ha’anen i Ribila- sion-Mu, achok ha’ esta Un i’ina i sanhiyong-hu ni i kandet ogga’an i fabot-Mu.

I have wakened in Thy shelter, O my God, and it becometh him that seeketh that shelter to abide within the Sanctuary of Thy protection and the Stronghold of Thy defense. Illumine my inner being, O my Lord, with the splendors of the Day- Spring of Thy Revelation, even as Thou didst il- lumine my outer being with the morning light of Thy favor.

- Bahá'u'lláh


Makmata yo’ este na ogga’an ginen i grasia- Mu, O Yu’os-Hu, ya hu dingu i saga-hu ya hu pega todu i inangokko-ku giya Hagu, ya hu entrega yo’ guatu gi katgo-Mu.

Na’tunokgue gi hilo’-hu, ginen i langet i mina’ase’-Mu, bendision ni ginen Hagu, ya kosaki siña tuma’lo yo’ tatte gi saga-hu gi sinafo’ taiguihi nai Un na’hanao yo’ gi papa’ i proteksion-Mu yan i hinasso-ku ni chetton giya Hagu.

Taya’ mas Yu’os ki Hagu, i Maisa, i Ti Akom- parayon, i Todu-Ha-Tungo’, i Todu-Tomtom.

I have risen this morning by Thy grace, O my God, and left my home trusting wholly in Thee, and committing myself to Thy care. Send down, then, upon me, out of the heaven of Thy mercy, a blessing from Thy side, and enable me to return home in safety even as Thou didst enable me to set out under Thy protection with my thoughts fixed steadfastly upon Thee.

There is none other God but Thee, the One, the Incomparable, the All-Knowing, the All-


- Bahá'u'lláh





Gloria giya Hagu, O Yu’os, put i dankolon gui- naiya-Mu nu i taotao! O Hagu, ni Lina’la’ yan Kandet-mami, chachalani i setbente-Mu gi chachalan-Mu, ya Un na’fanriku ham nu Hagu yan libre gi todu fuera ki Hagu.

O Yu’os, fa’na’gue ham ni Uniku-Mu yan okte ham i tiningo’-ña i dinaña’-Mu, kosaki ti in fanmanli’e’ fuera ki Hagu. Hagu i Yo’ase’ yan Gef- tao guinaha.

O Yu’os, totnge i guafen guinaiya gi korason i manguinaiya-Mu, kosaki u sinengge todu i hi- nasso-ña fuera ki Hagu.

Fa’nui ham, O Yu’os, ni tai hinekkok tinakkhilo’-Mu na Hagu hagas ha’ yan para todu i tiempo, ya taya’ Yu’os mas ki Hagu. Gof magahet, giya Hagu nai bai in sedda’ i ginefsaga yan minetgot.

Glory be to Thee, O God, for Thy manifestation of love to mankind! O Thou Who art our Life and Light, guide Thy servants in Thy way, and make us rich in Thee and free from all save Thee.

O God, teach us Thy Oneness and give us a realization of Thy Unity, that we may see no one save Thee. Thou art the Merciful and the Giver of bounty!

O God, create in the hearts of Thy beloved the fire of Thy love, that it may consume the thought of everything save Thee.

Reveal to us, O God, Thine exalted eternity - that Thou hast ever been and wilt ever be, and that there is no God save Thee. Verily, in Thee will we find comfort and strength.

- Bahá'u'lláh


O Yu’os-hu! O Yu’os-hu! Na’fandaña’ i kora- son todu i setbente-Mu ya Un na’fanmanli’e’ ni dangkolon intension-Mu nu siha. Siña mohon u ma tattiyi siha i tinago’-Mu yan u konsigi siha gi areklao-Mu. O Yu’os, ayuda todu siha ni’ i mana’kekesiña mo’na yan na’i lokkue’ ni i minet- got na Un masetbe. O Yu’os, cha’-Mu dumidingu siha na maisa, giha pinekkat-ñiha mo’na ni i kan- det i tiningo’-Mu, ya na’magof i korason-ñiha ni guinaiya-Mu. Gof magahet, Hagu i Ayudante yan Sainan-ñiha.

O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavor, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God! Leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of Thy knowledge, and cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord.

- Bahá'u'lláh


Sangan: “O Yu’os, Yu’os-hu! Muda i ilu-hu ni koronan hustisia, yan adotno i templo-ku yan i tininas. Hagu, sen magahet, chumuchule’ todu i nina’i yan i guinaha.”

Say: “O God, my God! Attire mine head with the crown of justice, and my temple with the ornament of equity. Thou, verily, art the Possessor of all gifts and bounties.”

- Bahá'u'lláh


Yu’os na’huyong na i kandet dinaña’ u inina todu i tano’, ya i fino’, “iyon Yu’os i Raino,” u matugge’ gi ha’en todu i taotao.

God grant that the light of unity may envelop the whole earth, and that the seal, “the Kingdom is God’s”, may be stamped upon the brow of all its peoples.

- Bahá'u'lláh


O Yu’os-hu, hu fafaisen Hao ginen i mas gloiosu na Na’an-Mu, na Un ayuda yo’ mo’na gi ayu u na’libiano i che’cho’ i setbente-Mu ya u guaha mas inabansa gi todu i Siudat-Mu. Hagu, magahet, gai nina’siña entre todu i guinaha!

Omy God! I ask Thee, by Thy most glorious Name, to aid me in that which will cause the affairs of Thy servants to prosper, and Thy cities to flourish. Thou, indeed, hast power over all things!

- Bahá'u'lláh


Kao guaha Na’suhan minappot fuera ki si Yu’os? Sangan: Matuna si Yu’os, Yu’os Gue’! Todu setbente-Ña, ya todu umo’osge i malago’- Ña!

Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants and all abide by His bidding!

- The Báb


O Yu’os-hu, i Guinaiya-ku, i Tinanga-hu! Fa’amigu-Mu yo’ gi minahalang-hu ya dalalake yo’ mo’na gi madesteladu-hu. Na’suha i piniti-hu. Na’dibotu yo’ gi ginatbo-Mu. Na’suha yo’ gi todu fuera ki Hagu. Bense yo’ yan i sinan- tusan paopao-Mu. Na’fanhami gi Raino-Mu yan todu ayu siha i manasipara gi todu fuera ki Hagu, ni matatanga ma setbe i sinantusan na saga-Mu ya fanohge para u makomple i che’cho’-Mu. Na’faset na guahu unu gi famalao’an na setbente- Mu ni mumiresi i minaolek-Mu. Sen magahet, Hagu i Grasiosu, i Geftao.

O my Lord, my Beloved, my Desire! Befriend me in my loneliness and accompany me in my exile. Remove my sorrow. Cause me to be devoted to Thy beauty. Withdraw me from all else save Thee. Attract me through Thy fragrances of holiness. Cause me to be associated in Thy Kingdom with those who are severed from all else save Thee, who long to serve Thy sacred threshold and who stand to work in Thy Cause. Enable me to be one of Thy maidservants who have attained to Thy good pleasure. Verily, Thou art the Gracious, the Generous.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


Saina Yu’os-hu! Asiste i manguinaya-Mu na u fanmetgot gi Hinengge-Mu, u fanmamok-kat gi karera-Mu, ya u fanfitme gi che’cho’-Mu. Na’i ni grasia-Mu para u ma sungon i inatakan i tailayen yan i sensen, ya u ma tattiyi i kandet i yini’usan na giniha. Hagu i Minina’siña, i Grasiosu, i Lala’la’-Maisa, i Nana’i, i Gai Yo’ase’, i Tagahlo’, i Todu Geftao.

O Lord, my God! Assist Thy loved ones to be firm in Thy Faith, to walk in Thy ways, to be steadfast in Thy Cause. Give them Thy grace to withstand the onslaught of self and passion, to follow the light of Divine Guidance. Thou art the Powerful, the Gracious, the Self-Subsisting, the Bestower, the Compassionate, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Asaina! Mandebet ham; na’i ham animu. O Yu’os! Mantaitiningo’ ham, na’fanmanungo’ ham. O Asaina! Mamopble ham, na’fanmiguinaha ham. O Yu’os! Manmatai ham, na’fanlala’la’ ham. O Asaina! Manna’mamahlao ham; na’fanggloriosu ham gi Raino-Mu. Yanggen Hagu umasiste ham, siempre mama’ma’lak estreyas ham. Yanggen ti Un asiste ham, siempre manakpapa’ña ham kinu i edda’. O Asaina, na’metgot ham. O Yu’os! Na’i i ginanna giya hami. O Yu’os, na’i ham kapasidat na bai in igi i sensen yan i diniseha. O Asaina, na’fanlibre ham gi ginedden i matiriat na tano’. O Asaina! Na’fanla’la’ ham ginen i hinagong i Espiritu Santo kosaki in fangahulo’ para bai in setbe Hao, in tina Hao, ya in na’i animu gi raino-Mu

yan i etmas sinseru. O Asaina! Metgot Hao! O Yu’os, manasisi’i Hao. O Asaina, yo’ase’ Hao.

O Lord! We are weak; strengthen us. O God! We are ignorant; make us knowing. O Lord! We are poor; make us wealthy. O God! We are dead; quicken us. O Lord! We are humiliation itself; glorify us in Thy Kingdom. If Thou dost as- sist us, O Lord, we shall become as scintillating stars. If Thou dost not assist us, we shall become lower than the earth. O Lord! Strengthen us. O God! Confer victory upon us. O God! Enable us to conquer self and overcome desire. O Lord! Deliver us from the bondage of the material world. O Lord! Quicken us through the breath of the Holy Spirit in order that we may arise to serve Thee, engage in worshiping Thee and exert ourselves in Thy Kingdom with the utmost sincerity. O Lord, Thou art powerful. O God, Thou art forgiving. O Lord, Thou art compassionate.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Yu’os,! O Yu’os! Guiya este i paluma ni mahlok papa-ña ya i hinanao-ña sen ti geftan - ayuda gue’ kosaki u gupu guatu gi puntan i ginefsaga yan i satbasion, u palapayi i hinanao-ña gi manyahululo’ na minagof yan felisidat gi halom i ti finakpo na lugat, u kanta huyong gi Mas Takkhilo’ na Na’an-Mu gi todu i lugat, u na’fanmagof i talanga ni inagang-ña, yan u na’fanma’lak i at- adok ginen i ma atan i siñat giniha!

O Asaina! Unu yo’, guahu ha’ na maisa, yan takpapa’. Para guahu taya’ ayudu fuera ki Hagu, taya’ ayudante fuera ki Hagu, yan taya’ munana’nahong mas ki Hagu. Aprueba yo’ gi setbisio-Mu, asiste yo’ yan i inetnot i mananghetMu, na’fangganna yo’ gi ma’abansan i Fino’-Mu ya afuetsas yo’ na bai hu sangan huyong i tinem-

tom-Mu gi entre todu i nina’huyong. Sen magahet, Hagu i ayudanten i mantainina’siña yan i difenden i mandikike’, yan sen magahet Hagu i Metgot, i Minina’siña, yan i Ti Mamagodde!

O God! O God! This is a broken-winged bird and his flight is very slow - assist him so that he may fly toward the apex of prosperity and salvation, wing his way with the utmost joy and happiness throughout the illimitable space, raise his melody in Thy Supreme Name in all the regions, exhilarate the ears with this call, and brighten the eyes by beholding the signs of guidance.

O Lord! I am single, alone and lowly. For me there is no support save Thee, no helper except Thee and no sustainer beside Thee. Confirm me in Thy service, assist me with the cohorts of Thine angels, make me victorious in the promotion of Thy Word and suffer me to speak out Thy wisdom amongst Thy creatures. Verily, Thou art the helper of the weak and the defender of the little ones, and verily Thou art the Powerful, the Mighty and the Unconstrained.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Yu’os, Yu’os-hu. Pattang i manangokkuyon na setbente-Mu gi i baba i tinailayen yan i sensen, protehi siha ni gof inatan yo’ase’ na guinaiya-Mu gi minala’et, chinatli’e’ yan inembidia, na’fanliheng siha gi lugat ni ti siña mahatme sa’ pot i inadahi-Mu, yan safo’ gi i flechan dinida, siha Un na’fanmanu’i i gloriosu na siñat-Mu, na’manila’ i matan-ñiha ni i mina’lak i ininan i Be’bo’ Ha’anen i Yini’usan na Dinaña’-Mu, na’fanmagof i korason-ñiha ni i fino’ ni’ mafatta ginen i Sinantusan na Raino-Mu, na’fanmetgot i sinturan-ñiha ginen i todu gainina’siñan na mi- netgot-Mu ni mafatto ginen i Gloriosu na Raino- Mu. Hagu i Todu-Geftao, i A’adahi, i Tagahlo’, i Grasiosu.

O God, my God! Shield Thy trusted servants from the evils of self and passion, protect them with the watchful eye of Thy loving kindness from all rancor, hate and envy, shelter them in the impregnable stronghold of Thy care and, safe from the darts of doubtfulness, make them the manifestations of Thy glorious Signs, illumine their faces with the effulgent rays shed from the Dayspring of Thy Divine Unity, gladden their hearts with the verses revealed from Thy Holy Kingdom, strengthen their loins by Thy all-swaying power that cometh from Thy Realm of Glory. Thou art the All-Bountiful, the Protector, the Almighty, the Gracious!

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


Asaina! Manna’ma’ase’ ham, na’i ham ni fabot-Mu; mamopble ham, na’i ham patte ginen i tasen i guinaha-Mu; meggai in nisisita, Hagu Un satesfecho ham; manmagacha’; na’i ham ni gloria-Mu. I paharo gi aire yan i ga’ga’ gi tano’ ma risisibi i aggon-ñiha kada diha ginen Hagu ya todu i manaotao mañasaonao gi inadahi-Mu yan gi yine’ase’ ginefli’e’-Mu.

Munga machule’ i tagahlo na grasia-Mu ginen este i tainina’siñan taotao, yan na’guahayi para este na tainina’siñan ante i gineftao-Mu ginen i nina’siña-Mu.

Nai ham ni aggon-mami ya Un aomenta i nisisidat i lina’la’, kosaki ti in fanmanangokko gi ni’ hayi fuera ki Hagu, in fanadaña’ enteramente giya Hagu, in fanmamokkat gi karera-Mu ya in diklara i misteriu-Mu. Hagu i Tagahlo’ yan i Guaguaiya yan i Prubienadot todu i taotao.

Lord! Pitiful are we, grant us Thy favor; poor, bestow upon us a share from the ocean of Thy wealth; needy, do Thou satisfy us; abased, give us Thy glory. The fowls of the air and the beasts of the field receive their meat each day from Thee, and all beings partake of Thy care and loving- kindness.

Deprive not this feeble one of Thy wondrous grace and vouchsafe by Thy might unto this helpless soul Thy bounty.

Give us our daily bread, and grant Thine increase in the necessities of life, that we may be dependent on none other but Thee, may commune wholly with Thee, may walk in Thy ways and de- clare Thy mysteries. Thou art the Almighty and the Loving and the Provider of all mankind.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Yu’os! Na’fresko yan na’minagof i espiritu- hu. Na’gasgas i korason-hu. Na’ma’lak i nina’siña-hu. Hu po’lo todu i inangokku-ku gi kannai-Mu. Hagu i Giha-hu yan i Fanliheng-hu. Esta ti bai hu triste pat piniti; bai hu magogof na taotao. O Yu’os! Esta ti bai hu michathinasso pat bai sedi i problema na u momye yo! Ti bai hu ha- hasso ha’ i ti minaolek siha gi lina’la’.

O Yu’os! Hagu mas amigu-hu para guahu kinu guahu mismo. O Asaina, hu ofresi Hao ni’ gua-


O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.

O God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá





OYu’os, Ma’gas-hu, i Uttemon i tinanga-hu! Este, i setbente-Mu, manespipiha deskanso gi i fanliheng i mina’ase’-Mu, ya u maigo’ gi sagan i grasia-Mu, yan tumatayuyot i inadahi-Mu yan proteksion-Mu.

Hu gagagao Hao, O Saina-hu, na ginen i mata- Mu ni ti mamaigo’, Un guatdia i mata-hu na ti u fanli’e’ fuera ki Hagu. Na’metgot i lini’e’-ñiha na u ma rikoknisa i siñat-Mu, ya u ma li’e’ i Fondon i Ribilasion-Mu. Hagu Gue’ nai gi me’nan i ribila- sion i nina’siña-Ña nina’lalaolao i etmas metgot na pudet.

Taya’ mas Yu’os fuera ki Hagu, i Tagahlo’, i Ti Siña Machanda, i Sin Kondision.

O my God, my Master, the Goal of my desire! This, Thy servant, seeketh to sleep in the shelter of Thy mercy, and to repose beneath the canopy of Thy grace, imploring Thy care and Thy protection.

I beg of Thee, O my Lord, by Thine eye that sleepeth not, to guard mine eyes from beholding aught beside Thee. Strengthen, then, their vision that they may discern Thy signs, and behold the Horizon of Thy Revelation. Thou art He before the revelations of Whose omnipotence the quin- tessence of power hath trembled.

No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Subduing, the Unconditioned.

- Bahá'u'lláh





OYu’os! Poksai este na dikike’neni gi ha’of i guinaiya-Mu, ya na’susu gi sison i Yo’ase’- Mu. Na’la’la’ este na freskon tinanom gi halom i hatdin flores rosa i guinaya-Mu yan ayuda muna’dangkolo ginen i abundansia-Mu. Fa’patgon i Raino-Mu yan chachalani para i langet-Mu. Hagu Minina’siña yan Yo’ase’, yan Hagu i Nana’i, i Saina ni mas geftao ni hayi.

O God! Rear this little babe in the bosom of Thy love, and give it milk from the breast of Thy Providence. Cultivate this fresh plant in the rose garden of Thy love and aid it to grow through the showers of Thy bounty. Make it a child of the kingdom, and lead it to Thy heavenly realm. Thou art powerful and kind, and Thou art the Bestower, the Generous, the Lord of surpassing bounty.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Yu’os! Eduka este siha na famagu’on. Este siha na famagu’on tinanom siha gi gualo’Mu, flores i sabana-Mu, flores rosa i hatdin-Mu. Na’faninichani ni ichan-Mu; Na’faninina ni atd- aon minagahet ginen i guinaiya-Mu. Na’fanfresko ni’ manglo’-Mu kosa ki siña maninarekla gi tininas, mandangkolo yan manadilanto yan u fanannok i etmas na buninitu. Hagu i Geftao. Hagu i Yo’ase’.

O God! Educate these children. These children are the plants of Thine orchard, the flowers of Thy meadow, the roses of Thy garden. Let Thy rain fall upon them; let the Sun of Reality shine upon them with Thy love. Let Thy breeze refresh them in order that they may be trained, grow and develop, and appear in the utmost beauty. Thou art the Giver. Thou art the Compassionate.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Asaina! Na’fanma’lak este na hoben, yan na’i ni’ guinaha-Mu este na popblen prohimu. Na’i gue’ tiningo, na’i gue’ kada ogga’an mas minetgot ya Un pulan gi papa’ i liheng i proteksion-Mu kosa ki u libre gi linachi, u na’facho’cho’ gue’ gi i setbisio-Mu, giha mo’na i manlalachi, ayuda i mandimalas, na’libre i manmapopongle yan na’fanmakmata i ti manmanatetende, kosaki todu u fambinendisi ni’ mimorias-Mu yan i matuna-Mu. Hagu i Metgot yan Gainina’siña.

O Lord! Make this youth radiant, and confer Thy bounty upon this poor creature. Bestow upon him knowledge, grant him added strength at the break of every morn and guard him within the shelter of Thy protection so that he may be freed from error, may devote himself to the service of Thy Cause, may guide the wayward, lead the hapless, free the captives and awaken the heedless, that all may be blessed with Thy remembrance and praise. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá


O Yu’os, giha yo’, protehi yo’, po’lo yo’ kulan un maninila’ na kandet yan ma’lak na estreyas. Hagu i Metgot yan Gainina’siña.

O God, guide me, protect me, make of me a shining lamp and a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá






Itinina giya Hagu, O Asaina i Yu’os-hu! Hu gagagao Hao na ginen este na Ribilasion nai i hinemhom mana’manana, ayu nai Mafatotoigue na Templo nai mahatsa, yan i matuge na Table- ru mana’annok, ya i Babayon na Royu mababa, nai Un na’tunokguan gi hilo’-hu yan gi hilo’ ayu siha i mangga’chong-hu ayu nai ni’ u na’siña ham manggupu hulo’ gi i langet i ti ayukon na gloria- Mu, ya u fa’gasse ham gi minanchan dinida ni’ pumapatang i mansospechosu para u fanhalom gi tabinakulon i dinaña’-Mu.

Guahu uniku, O Saina-hu, gumogo’te fitme i kotdet i yo’ase’-Mu, yan gumogote i afulon i fabot yan i mina’ase-Mu. Otden giya guahu yan i mang- guinaiya-ku i minaolek este na tano’ ya i mama- maila’ na tano’! Na’huyungi siha, i Mana’atok na Rigalu ni Un otdena para i mas manespesiat gi nina’huyong-Mu.

Este siha, O Saina-hu, i ha’ani ni Un tago’ i setbente-Mu para u guatdia i ayunat. Bendisiyon ayu i gumuatdia i ayunat solu put Hagu ya ha re- nunsia todu kosas fuera ki Hagu. Asiste yo’ yan asiste siha, O Saina-hu, para bai in esge Hao yan i tinago’-Mu.

Taya’ Yu’os fuera ki Hagu, i Todu-Gaitiningo’, i Todu-Gaitinemtom. I tinina giya si Yu’os, i Sainan todu i tano’.

Praise be to Thee, O Lord my God! I beseech Thee by this Revelation whereby darkness hath been turned into light, through which the Frequented Fane hath been built, and the Written Tablet revealed, and the Outspread Roll uncov- ered, to send down upon me and upon them who are in my company that which will enable us to soar into the heavens of Thy transcendent glory, and will wash us from the stain of such doubts as have hindered the suspicious from entering into the tabernacle of Thy unity.

I am the one, O my Lord, who hath held fast the cord of Thy loving-kindness, and clung to the hem of Thy mercy and favors. Do Thou ordain for me and for my loved ones the good of this world and of the world to come. Supply them, then, with the Hidden Gift Thou didst ordain for the choicest among Thy creatures.

These are, O my Lord, the days in which Thou hast bidden Thy servants to observe the fast. Blessed is he that observeth the fast wholly for Thy sake and with absolute detachment from all things except Thee. Assist me and assist them, O my Lord, to obey Thee and to keep Thy precepts. Thou, verily, hast power to do what Thou choosest.

There is no God but Thee, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. All praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds.

- Bahá'u'lláh





O Yu’os-hu! Estague’ i setbente-Mu yan lahen i setbente-Mu ni’ gef manhongge nu Hagu yan todu i siñat-Mu, ya ha bira i mata-ña giya Hagu, ya ha suheta gue’ gi todu fuera di Hagu. Gi minagahet, Hagu i etmas yo’ase’ gi entre todu i manyo’ase’ siha.

Trata gue’, O Hagu ni’ ha despepensa i isao i taotao siha yan ha nana’na’ i linachen-ñiha, si- gun i langet i guinaha-Mu yan i tasen i grasia-Mu. Na’halom gue’ gi lugat i tagahlo’ na mina’ase’-Mu ni estaba antes di i tituhon i tano’ yan i langet. Taya’ otro Yu’os fuera ki Hagu, i Todu i Tiempo i Manasisi’i, i Etmas Geftao.

Pues, na’ripiti gue’ sais biahi i saludu “Alláh-u-Abhá” yan despues ripiti disinuebi (19) biahi kada betso ni’ matuge’ guini:

Todu hit, magahet, ta adora si Yu’os.

Todu hit, magahet, ta tekkoni si Yu’os.

Todu hit, magahet, ta dibotu as Yu’os.

Todu hit, magahet, ta tuna si Yu’os.

Todu hit, magahet, ta na’i grasia si Yu’os.

Todu hit, magahet, ta pasensia as Yu’os.

(Yanggen palao’an i matai, sangan este: “Estague i setbente-Mu yan i hagan i setbente-Mu . . . )

O my God! This is Thy servant and the son of Thy servant who hath believed in Thee and in Thy signs, and set his face towards Thee, wholly detached from all except Thee. Thou art, verily, of those who show mercy the most merciful.

Deal with him, O Thou Who forgivest the sins of men and concealest their faults, as beseemeth the heaven of Thy bounty and the ocean of Thy grace. Grant him admission within the precincts of Thy transcendent mercy that was before the foundation of earth and heaven. There is no God but Thee, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous.

Let him, then, repeat six times the greeting “Allah-u-Abhá,” and then repeat nineteen times each of the following verses:

We all, verily, worship God.

We all, verily, bow down before God.

We all, verily, are devoted unto God.

We all, verily, give praise unto God.

We all, verily, yield thanks unto God.

We all, verily, are patient in God.

(If the dead be a woman, let him say: This is Thy handmaiden and the daughter of Thy handmaiden, etc....)

- Bahá'u'lláh


O Yu’os-hu! Hagu i manasisi’i ni’ isao, i mannana’i guinaha, yan sasatba gi chinat- saga siha.

Gi inimitde, hu gagagao Hao na Un asi’i i isao todu ni esta ma abandona i magagon este na tano’ ya kahulo’ gi tano’ espirituat.

O Yu’os-hu! Na’gasgas siha gi linachi, na’sua gi triniste, yan tulaika i hemhom-ñiha para ma- nana. Na’fanhalom gi hatdin minagof, fa’gasi ni mas klaru yan gasgas na hanom, yan petmiti na u ma li’e’ i mina’lak-Mu gi mas takkhilo’ na sabana.

O my God! O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions!

Verily, I beseech Thee to forgive the sins of such as have abandoned the physical garment and have ascended to the spiritual world.

O my Lord! Purify them from trespasses, dispel their sorrows, and change their darkness into light. Cause them to enter the garden of happiness, cleanse them with the most pure water, and grant them to behold Thy splendors on the lofti- est mount.

- `Abdu'l-Bahá

